Garden in Bărdești, Romania, ongoing. Team: Judith Deak, Mihai Șom.


 1st year students' work at Ion Mincu Architecture University. Teaching assistant at atelier Andrei Șerbescu, year 2020 - 2021.


 Low-budget houses for Habitat for Humanity Romania, with Raphael Zuber. Competition 2020, commended entry. Team: Mihai Șom.


 Cluj-Napoca Comprehensive Transplant Center, with Raphael Zuber. Competition 2020. Team: Vsevolod Afonin, Diana Sava, Mihai Șom, Dragoș Toacă (architecture) / Maurus Schifferli, Landschaftsarchitekt / ppa. Ivo Koch, Teamplan GmbH (hospital planning) / Instaltek System SRL - Laviniu Nacu (electrical installations), Marius Bordei (HVAC), George Ene (sanitary installations) / Ferrari Gartmann AG (structural engineering).




 ACCOUNTS, editor Samuel Penn, AE Foundation. Published by Pelinu Books (founding partners Laura Cristea & Raphael Zuber).


 House at the Black Sea, with Raphael Zuber, ongoing. Team:  Denisa Balaj, Magda Juravlea.


 Garden in Bărdești, Romania. Early study, 2018.


 House in Cățelu, Romania. Project 2018. Team: Vasiliki Papadimitriou, Mihai Șom.


 Extension of the Cluj County Council, with Raphael Zuber. Competition 2019, honorable mention. Team: Vsevolod Afonin, Denisa Balaj, Magda Juravlea, Mihai Șom.


 Inverted House in Bucharest. Exhibition 2017 at The Romanian Order of Architects. Team: Cristian Stoian, Oana Tudor.


 City of common space, with Raphael Zuber. Contribution to CARTHA Magazine 2016. CARTHA - ON THE FORM OF FORM by Park Books.


 Inverted House, Hokkaido, Japan, 2016. With Kengo Kuma and Associates & AHO Team: Laura Cristea, Mari Hellum, Stefan Hurrell, Niklas Lenander, Neven Fuchs-Mikac, Thomas McQuillan, Raphael Zuber. archdaily . fb . architectural review . zeppelin .


 House of One Space, Argeș, Romania. Diploma project 2016 at AHO. Tutors: Neven Fuchs-Mikac, Chris Engh. Consulting engineer: Ferrari Gartmann AG.


 Rengeji Temple, Kyoto. Survey 2015.


 Villa Doi Mai, Romania. Student project 2014 at AHO. Tutors: Neven Fuchs-Mikac, Raphael Zuber.

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